AALAS is an initiative to bring technology at your fingertips. It will help you convert your normal Dorm rooms to a smart room at minimal cost. It is a solution to modern day problems. Now no more getting up from your bed , no more loosing your comfort zone just to open the door or switch off/on the Light/Fan. AALAS will bring all these task at a tap on your mobile phone.
We came up with this idea by observing daily life difficulties and compromises faced by a normal college student. Hostel rooms are not designed to meet individual's comfort and ease. Switch boards are usually placed near the doors and beds are mostly far.
So do you want to remotely control your light/fan fikar not! AALAS is here to help you.
Control electrical appliances directly from your phone. AALAS mobile app will provide a user friendly GUI to perform the tasks with ease.

Introductory Video
With AALAS one can....
- Turn normal room to a remotely controlled smart room
- Control appliances around you through your mobile phone
- Remotely open/close door latch
- Train it with AI to make appliances self automised
Who can use AALAS !
- Mobile phones
- Room with appliances and electricity
- Problem leaving comfort place to switch on/off light/fan
- Uh... Students basically !!
People having
We are planning to use arduino with integrated bluetooth or WIFI module to create a wireless connection between AALAS and Mobile phones. Commands from mobile phones will be transmitted through this wireless connection. The actuators present in the end modules will be reponsible for turning your command into real life operation. It consist of 3 major components which are :
Mobile Phone

To install AALAS mobile app and recieve commands from user
Main Hub

Receive signal from mobile phone and forward them to end modules
End Module

Small units with actuators directly connected to appliances
Probable Sketch

Challenges Foresee

- Compact Design
- To make it easy to install
- Wireless data triangles at different levels
- User friendly and visually appealing mobile app creation.
- To provide the energy required for individual sub module
- To create an alternate switch operating manually on the original switch
- To keep the control both ways i.e. by remotely controlled and manually controlled
Components used
- Arduino/micro controller
- Bluetooth modules
- Relays
- Actuators
- Mobile Phone
- Bluetooth controller app
- Wires
- Resistors
- Capacitors
- Power supply
- Batteries
Skills required
- Design thinking
- Programming
- Electronics/Circuits and devices
- AutoCAD (for hardware modelling)
- App Design and Developement
- Web Developement

All Vectors are designed by