Assignment 4.A

Fun with Science Journal App


Science Journal is the free digital science notebook brought to you by Google.

You can keep your notes, photos and observations all in one convenient place. Use the sensors in your phone to measure and graph phenomena such as light, sound and motion, or connect to external sensors via Bluetooth to conduct experiments on the world around you.




  • Sensor Testing

    Here are some testing done on different sensors present in my smartphone (Oneplus 7 Pro). These data can also be download in .csv format grom the app with timestamp to perform various task and analysis.

    We can also connect our Arduino Board with the app with sort of connection to use phone sensors in the project.

    1. Sound Intensity


    2. Pitch


    3. Linear accelerometer


    4. Accelerometer X


    5. Accelerometer Y


    6. Compass


    7. Magnetometer


    8. Light