Assignment 4.B



This assignment aims to combine multiple input and output devices to create a small scale RADAR which use graphical representation to give a view of objects present in vicinity.

Other features of this project are LED with indicates level of danger, A buzzer to make sounds to identify the distance by listening to the buzzing pattern.

The other feature is the LCD screen which displays the distance and indicate the level danger.




  • Components Used

    1. Arduino UNO Board

    2. Ultrasonic Sensor

    3. RGB LED

    4. Buzzer

    5. Servo Motor

    6. LCD Screen

    7. Laptop / Computer

  • Arduino Code

    The following Screenshot represent the arduino code written for the following assignment. to download the code in txt format click the link below.

    Arduino Code


  • Processing Code

    The following Screenshot represent the processing code written for the following assignment. to download the code in txt format click the link below.

    Code Credits : -

    Processing code


  • Graphical User Interface

    The following screenshot represent the GUI which will act as a mediator between user and the arduino board.

