All Appliances and Lock Automation System


Final Project


Burn your calories in GYM, not in your room.



AALAS is an initiative to bring technology at your fingertips. It will help you convert your normal Dorm rooms to a smart room at minimal cost. It is a solution to modern day problems. Now no more getting up from your bed , no more loosing your comfort zone just to open the door or switch off/on the Light/Fan. AALAS will bring all these task at a tap on your mobile phone.

We came up with this idea by observing daily life difficulties and compromises faced by a normal college student. Hostel rooms are not designed to meet individual's comfort and ease. Switch boards are usually placed near the doors and beds are mostly far.
So do you want to remotely control your light/fan fikar not! AALAS is here to help you.

Control electrical appliances directly from your phone. AALAS mobile app will provide a user friendly GUI to perform the tasks with ease.

We also integrated Operation in our mobile app. With special commands you can switch on/off your appliances. We further aim to create automatic operation of appliances with the help of use of sensors present in your mobile phone.

With AALAS one can....

  • Turn normal room to a remotely controlled smart room
  • Control appliances around you through your mobile phone
  • Remotely open/close door latch(Extra quipment required)
  • Train it with AI to make appliances self(Inclusion of multiple sensors in your phone)  automised



Who can use AALAS !

    People having
  • Mobile phones
  • Room with appliances and electricity
  • Problem leaving comfort place to switch on/off light/fan
  • Uh...  Students basically !!

Our Approach

We used NodeMCU module with integrated WiFi to create a connection between AALAS and Appliances. The best and easy way to connect AALAS with appliances is through switch board. Minimal amount of connection required to make it working.

Mobile app use web server to send information recieved from user to the NodeMCU. Information is send in form of text which is then analysed by NodeMCU to do the actual work.
Installation is simple:- Two terminals from relay module attaches to either end of the current switch controlling the appliance. No. of relays will decide how many appliance you can control. Currently we have modified our app to control 4 devices simultaneously but we can control more than that.



Mobile Phone

To install AALAS mobile app and recieve commands from user



Receive signal from mobile phone and forward them to relay modules



Relay modules allowing current to pass. Turning On/Off device it is connected to

Block Diagram



Components used

  • NodeMCU - ESP82266
  • Home Wifi / Mobile hotspot
  • Relay Module(s)
  • Jumper wires
  • Android Device with WiFi
  • A A L A S Mobile App
  • Wires
  • 5v Adapter


Skills Used

  • Design thinking
  • Programming
  • Electronics/Circuits and devices
  • AutoCAD (for hardware modelling)
  • App Design and Developement
  • Web Developement




Further Details

  • App Features

    1. User friendly app interface

    2. Manual On/OFF button to switch on/off each Device(or any other component)

    3. Voice Control option

    4. Easy switch to toggle on/off audio feedback

    5. Additional to switch on/off all devices connected at once

  • Block Diagram

    The following Screenshot represent the block diagram of the AALAS mobile app built on MIT app Inventor.



  • Mobile App

    The following Screenshot represent the interface of the AALAS mobile app which connects to NodeMCU over wifi and controls devices



  • Microprocessor Code

    The following Screenshot represent the code for NodeMCU to control the relay modules. to download the code in txt format click the link below.

    Arduino Code



  • AALAS Case

    We planned to create a 3D printed casing for the NodeMCU and relay module to give it a modern sleek look. Due to inaccessibility of required equipments we wont be able to do it.

  • AI Integration

    According to our plan we were including automatic feature for light and fan which will work with help of light and temperature sensor present in smartphones. This is not integrated yet because of complex structure in our mobile App and time constraint did't allow us to do so.

Final Video


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